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Mlada TRANSICA totalno zenstvena, pasivna samo primam 29god 178 cm 60kg totalno glatka, prava pravcata NIFOMANKA zeljna da je dobro razvalis, grudi 2ka + umetci, plave oci, duboko grlo, trazi konkretnog muskarca koji voli bez price i komplikovanja da mu se dobro popusi i da brutalno zivotinjski pocepa gladnu guzu. ISKLJUCIVO SUBOTA uvece od 21h cekam te u erotskom vesu u svom autu na AVALI SUPLJA STENA da iscedim do poslednje kapi tvoja muda. TROJKA MUSKOG KONTAKTA NEMA SAT VREMENA??? TROJKA MUSKOG KONTAKTA NEMA --------------------------------- On 43 god, Dama 39 god Dama duga crna kosa Grudi jaka 5-ica Dama visina 170 cm, 60kg USLOVI KONTAKTA 1 MOZE DRUZENJE NASAMO I SA DAMOM BEZ PRISUSTVA PARTNERA 2 ANALNOG KONTAKTA NEMA KAO NI LJUBLJENJA U USTA....... OGLAS VAZI SAMO ZA NOVI SAD!!! Dobrodosli dragi moji,ja sam Laura. Atraktivna i pozeljna devojka duge crne kose,zanosnih prirodnih oblina STO SE DA VIDETI I NA MOJIM POSTAVLJENIM SLIKAMA,lepog negovanog lica,senzualnih i punih usana!!! DRUZENJE U MOM SMESTAJU!!! SAMO ZA DISKRETNE I KONKRETNE!!! ODGOVARAM SAMO NA POZIV,SMS STOP!!! PROCITATI CEO OGLAS PRE POZIVA ISKLJUCIVO POZIV OD 11h-21h BEZ SMS-a KONTAKT MOZE NASAMO SA DAMOM BEZ PRISUSTVA PARTNERA DISKRECIJA I PEDANTERIJA OBAVEZNI OZBILJAN BRACNI PAR BEOGRAD---MIRIJEVO ZA POJEDINCE U NASEM STANU POLA SATA 30e NASAMO SA DAMOM SAT VREMENA 50e NASAMO SA DAMOM -------------------------------- POLA SATA??? TROJKA MUSKOG KONTAKTA NEMA SAT VREMENA??? TROJKA MUSKOG KONTAKTA NEMA --------------------------------- On 43 god, Dama 39 god Dama duga crna kosa Grudi jaka 5-ica Dama visina 170 cm, 60kg USLOVI KONTAKTA 1 MOZE DRUZENJE NASAMO I SA DAMOM BEZ PRISUSTVA PARTNERA 2 ANALNOG KONTAKTA NEMA KAO NI LJUBLJENJA U USTA....... Samo poziw ili Whatsup!! Ostvarimo erotske fantazije, zabavi se sa zgodnom i hot devojkom, udjimo u svet vrelih strasti i pozuda. AKo si u vezi ili braku, idealan nacin da osvezis monotoniju : Uzivajmo zajedno, javi se. TROJKA MUSKOG KONTAKTA NEMA SAT VREMENA??? TROJKA MUSKOG KONTAKTA NEMA --------------------------------- On 43 god, Dama 39 god Dama duga crna kosa Grudi jaka 5-ica Dama visina 170 cm, 60kg USLOVI KONTAKTA 1 MOZE DRUZENJE NASAMO I SA DAMOM BEZ PRISUSTVA PARTNERA 2 ANALNOG KONTAKTA NEMA KAO NI LJUBLJENJA U USTA.......
Licni oglasi upoznavanje
Kako se postaje starleta. Ona traži nju za vezu. Ona traži njega za vezu. Mek povez, ćirilica, 209 strana. HAPPY END - Mirjana Bobic Mojsilovic Izdavac: Ruza, Beograd Godina izdanja: 2002 Format: 20 X 13 cm. Eskort dame u Beogradu. Za Petrarku ona uzrok sveg savršenstva, put do Boga, od nje dolazi sva vrlina i svetlost. Za razgovor je uvek raspolozena. Po proceni veterinara ima oko 9 meseci. Kada covek dodje u dodir sa smrcu, kada se udalji od ovog, da kazem, lazljivog i izgubljenog sveta, pa se vrati nazad, tada trazi neki dublji smisao svog postojanja, trazi Boga - ljubav.

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Napomena: Aktivacija novih korisnika vrsi se od strane administratora u roku od 24h. Seksi u fulu sredjena PRAVA Jedinstvena TRANSEXUALKA sa pravim grudima 5 u erotskom vesu za muskarce koji zele probati nesto NOVO a i PRAVO!!! SAMO POZIV,,,,,,,Wery sexi blondy shemale whit breasts DD in erotic underwear provides complete sex and best oral sex call me i am irresistible and horny and hot...
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Tražim normalnog dečka!
SEX NOVI SAD ATRAKTIVNA JEDINSTVENA DEVOJKA NAJBOLJIH GODINA SAVRSENOG SEKSA I SVE TI JE DOZVOLJENO CELA TI SE PREPUSTAM I UZIVAM U SEKSU. Mi vam pružamo najbolju uslugu, kroz brzo i lako oglašavanje kao i pretragu više desetina hiljada oglasa. TROJKA MUSKOG KONTAKTA NEMA --------------------------------- On 43 god, Dama 39 god Dama duga crna kosa Grudi jaka 5-ica Dama visina 170 cm, 60kg USLOVI KONTAKTA 1 MOZE DRUZENJE NASAMO I SA DAMOM BEZ PRISUSTVA PARTNERA 2 ANALNOG KONTAKTA NEMA KAO NI LJUBLJENJA U USTA. Što ćete dalje učiniti, to je na vama. Mlada TRANSICA totalno zenstvena, pasivna samo primam 29god 178 cm 60kg totalno glatka, prava pravcata NIFOMANKA zeljna da je dobro razvalis, grudi 2ka + umetci, plave oci, duboko grlo, trazi konkretnog muskarca koji voli bez ring i komplikovanja da mu se dobro popusi i da brutalno zivotinjski pocepa gladnu guzu. Visoka sam 159 cm, a teška 63 kg. Or perhaps you want just to experience a wonderful time with a sensual lover, to enjoy erotic hours where you can forget the prime of everyday life and make all your sexual dreams come true. OGLAS Ona trazi njega viber SAMO ZA NOVI SAD!!. Ovi oglasi dakle nisu komercijalnog karaktera, bar ne koliko je nama poznato. Ostali vidovi istaknutog oglašavanja su putem banerskog prostora na vrhu stranice kao i sa desne strane na svakoj strani Džabe oglasa.

Anonyma - eine frau in berlin 2008 online sa prevodom
Regarder Anonyma - Eine Frau in Berlin en Streaming
❤️ Click here: Anonyma - eine frau in berlin 2008 online sa prevodom
Lo streaming italiano è disponibile su piattaforme esterne. Fredrick tells Ilse that he is going back to his people. The others leave Gerd and Anonyma alone.
She passes by the Mongolian soldier and Masha. Většina obyvatel Německa měla tak vymytý mozek a byla tak zmanipulovaná, že v žádném případě nevěřila tomu , co se děje. Co k tomu dodat?
Anonyma – Eine Frau in Berlin (2008) - Film online subtitrat - Přijde mi, že už jsem opravdu nějak hodně otupený, přitom ten osud žen je zde prezentován celkem krutě.
Anonyma - Eine Frau in Berlin A Woman in Berlin 2008 Anonyma - Eine Frau in Berlin A Woman in Berlin 2008 Director: Max F ärberb öck. Starring: Nina Hoss Anonyma , Evgeniy Sidikhin Major Andreij Rybkin , Irm Hermann Witwe , R üdiger Vogler Eckhart , Ulrike Krumbiegel Ilse Hoch , Rolf Kanies Friedrich Hoch , J ördis Triebel B ärbel Malthaus , Roman Gribkov Anatol , Juliane K öhler Elke , Samvel Muzhikyan Andropov , Viktor Zhalsanov asiatischer Rotarmist , Aleksandra Kulikova Masha , Oleg Chernov Erster Vergewaltiger , Anne Kanis Fl üchtlingsm ädchen , August Diehl Gerd. Russians take revenge for German atrocities in Russia by wholesale raping of the women of Berlin Spoiler Warning: below is a summary of the entire film. It was on April 26, 1945. The Russian army had encircled Berlin and was advancing on the Reichstag, street by street. My name doesn't matter. I was just one of many who believed in my country's destiny. Doubts were for weaklings. Anonyma's boyfriend Gerd is a German soldier who will fight the Russians. We all breathed the same air and it was intoxicating. There is street to street fighting. German artillery men on the street fire their artillery at the Russians down the block. The German women run into shelters along with older men and children. In the shelter Anonyma sees different people that she knows from the neighborhood. She has to step on the bodies of dead women to get a jar of jelly. Anonyma says she will write it all down and Gerd can read it. A woman from Silesia has broken down and cries in a corner. The block is quiet now except for the sounds of a Russian tank coming down the street and Russian soldiers barking out orders. A high-ranking officer named Andropov walks down the street with his men checking for snipers. Over a loud speaker a voice says that all weapons must be handed over immediately. All of a sudden Germans from apartment buildings start shooting Russians in the street. The Russians all fire back. They go into a building with a flame thrower to get the German soldiers out. One soldier is set on fire. Andropov kills a number of German soldiers. He opens a door to an apartment and shoots two men, one holding a white shirt. Andropov calls in to tell the colonel that his men have almost reached the station. His order was to then proceed to the Reichstag. That order has now been canceled even if the men are so close. Instead, the men are to secure the flanks. The soldiers are extremely disappointed not to be able to shoot up the Reichstag. A Russian soldier with an automatic weapon and a flashlight comes into the shelter. The soldier can't speak anything but Russian, so Anonyma speaks up and asks in Russian what does he want? The fellow finally communicates in primitive German that the shelter people are to come out and eat something. The war is kaput. The women start coming up onto the street slowly. Two come up first. The older woman takes a couple of potatoes offered to her. But a soldier comes over to her with his weapon pointed at her chest. She slowly pushes the rifle barrel to the side. She takes more potatoes. A Soviet nurse tends to the leg of Andropov. A soldier tries to force Anonyma to come with him, but she just runs away from him. The crazed Silesian woman makes an easy target. Anonyma asks the soldier who catches the Silesian woman why does he want a woman who has no sexual desire? The fellow is willing to let the older woman go in exchanged for Anonyma. She tells the soldier that she doesn't want to do it here. He follows her to another section, where she is able to lock him in a sort of cage. She then runs to find the commander of the outfit. The soldiers just laugh at her. And the Soviet nurse Masha is no help either. In the dark a soldier grabs Anonyma and rapes her. She tries to fight him off but it's no use. Another woman is also going to live there. Anonyma says later that she should have looked around the place more and things may have turned out differently. In the street the soldiers are celebrating and drinking. Someone bangs on the door to gain entrance. One woman hung herself. Another was shot and killed. Every feeling is dead. The women are raped. A huge Russian soldier rapes Anonyma. Still searching the place, the Russians find a large group of women and older men hiding. Some of the women are taken out and raped. Anonyma throws up in a bucket. She has a sort of epiphany. She decides that she will be the one to choose who she is forced to have sex with. She will get a high ranking officer, maybe even a general. The raped mother's husband Frederick returns. She has a German soldier sleeping in her room. She asks the soldier now to sleep on the couch and not on her bed Anonyma asks to see the Major. He is in a conference, but she is taken to him anyway. Andropov sends the men away. She tells Andropov that many women in her building were raped by Russian soldiers. Andropov answers that he knows nothing about it. But she goes up to a lieutenant and tries with him. He doesn't say anything, so Anonyma turns and starts walking away. Anatol drives Anonyma and her friend back to their place on his motorcycle with a side car. At dinner Anonyma sits with Anatol along with lots of other Russian soldiers. Anatol says that in civilian life he is a dairy farmer. After dinner Anatol strips out of his duds getting ready for sex. Anonyma comes inside and closes the door. A woman walks down holding hands with presumably her husband. All of a sudden a shot rings out and the German man falls to the ground in a heap. One day Andropov shows up at the place where Anonyma is staying. With him is a large Mongolian soldier. Anonyma goes to her room and closes the door. The nurse with a crush on Andropov, Masha, comes up to the apartment and finds Andropov talking with the widow and a German man. She gives a bar of soap to Andropov. Masha is extremely jealous because she knows that this is where the good-looking German blonde lives. Anonyma goes into the bathroom to have a bath. Andropov waits for Anonyma. She comes out dressed and he tells her that he sent everyone away. He asks her to come over to him. She says as you wish and then goes into her bedroom and starts taking off her clothes. He looks into the bedroom as she gets fully naked. He walks away from her and leaves. They are everywhere, in every home. We are Russians now. And we women will have to keep quiet. About Anatol she says he is a gypsy and comes and goes when he wants. But he's useless as regards her protection. Anonyma has sex with him. The sheltered young German soldier asks his girlfriend if she thinks Hitler will abandon them? She then gives him some food but he rejects it. He grabs his Lugar and leaves saying that he is going to get them something decent to eat. One morning the major comes to the widow's place. He and the Mongolian soldier have brought enough food for everyone to have breakfast, including his staff. Suddenly the building is searched. They have a report that someone is harboring a German soldier. He was seen stealing some food and they think he lives in the widow's building. In the search for the German, one of the officers starts beating up a German tenant of the building. Andropov orders him to stop, but the officer won't stop. Eventually, Andropov comes down and grabs the officer and starts beating him. The Mongolian soldier finally comes down and pulls Andropov off the man. Anonyma goes to her room. The Major comes in after her. Anonyma tells him that his Russians will never forgive him for that. He kisses her and Anonyma kisses him back. After the major goes, Anonyma rushes up to the room holding the girl and her German soldier. She tells the soldier that he has to leave. He says he is not going to go to Siberia. The Mongolian sings a chant for the people at the widow's place. Anonyma writes that the major came and went providing protection for all in the house. He also brought a lot of presents for the house. Anonyma writes that the war continued while German men were still being sent to Siberia. Now many German seek out protectors and thereby became taboo for the other soldiers. The major brings news that Mussolini and his mistress are dead, hung upside down in the square. The officers laugh and celebrate. When Andropov would leave, Anatol would come to see Anonyma. She just hopes the two alpha males won't come together at the same time. She writes asking the question if she is a prostitute? She once knew a prostitute and the people told her not to talk to her because she was bad. Anonyma sees her friend Elke. The women in the building come together and eat an apple pie at the widow's place. They have a good time eating, talking and laughing. The huge Russian soldier who raped Anonyma wants to get at her again, but the big Mongolian stops him. He says he will be back. A woman comes to Anonyma asking for her help. She goes with the woman. A group of Russian soldiers are sitting around a kitchen table in one of the apartments. One soldier wants Anonyma to translate for him. He says that in his home village, German soldiers killed all the children. They grabbed the kids and stabbed them all. Then they threw the children against the walls, smashing their skulls. She asks if this is hearsay? The soldier tells her he saw it with his own eyes. Upset Anonyma runs out of the room. Anonyma tries to avoid seeing the major, but he comes up to her and wants to know where she is going? He was waiting for her. Andropov tells Anonyma that the old Germany is finished. Masha comes up to Anonyma and tells her to leave Andropov alone. Anonyma says the man comes to her, she doesn't go to him. On April 30, 1945 Hitler killed himself. He now calls for a cessation of defending Berlin. Any German dying now in the Battle of Berlin is sacrificing himself for nothing. All combat is to stop in Berlin. A Russian officer gets up and shouts to the 8th Red Army that the Berlin garrison has surrendered. There are big hurrahs for this. Fredrick tells Ilse that he is going back to his people. She grabs hold of Frederick and takes him to the side. She tells him to talk to her. She says she hoped and prayed and hoped and prayer for her husband to return. The Soviet soldiers start shooting their weapons into the air. There is a big celebration at the widow's place. Andropov plays the piano. The war is over. Andropov asks Anonyma if she is a fascist? She doesn't answer him. The huge Russian who raped Anonyma before tries to get past the Mongolian. The Mongolian won't let him pass. So the man sits down again. He says that he has been at war for 1,678 days. He goes up past the Mongolian and go to the place where the young German soldier is hiding. The guy comes into the room and the soldier shoots at him, but misses. The huge fellow grabs the kid and throws him to his death down the stair well to the bottom floor. When Andropov demands to know whose apartment was he hiding in, Anonyma says it was hers. The girl who was hiding the soldier says Long live Hitler! Andropov tells his men to take her out and liquidate her. And now Andropov is in trouble because his sexual affair with Anonyma took his mind off his job and a German soldier successfully hid in the building where Anonyma lives. A fellow officer tells Andropov that he will be questioned. Andropov comes over to see Anonyma and finds Anatol on her bed. He tells him he had better go before he shoots Anatol's balls off. Andropov yells down the stair well that everyone is to come up to the widow's place and that's an order. The soldiers dance with the German women. Anatol transfers his affections to a friend of Anonyma. Frederick tells his wife Ilse to go upstairs to the party. He will come up later. At the widow's place Andropov and Anonyma dance to the music. Frederick comes up to look in on the party. He sees his wife dancing with a soldier. He goes back downstairs to his apartment. The party is over. Andropov and Anonyma talk for awhile. He starts to leave, but she stops him. She has sex with him and he stays overnight. But for the time being, at this very moment, I feel just fine. She soon discovers that Frederick has killed himself and Ilse lays crying on top of his dead body. Anonyma tries to get her off the body, but Ilse won't budge. So she takes the children to a babysitter in the building. Anonyma goes for a bike ride. She says that the major has lost everything. When she returns she sees a Russian officer and Gerd at the widow's place. The Russian officer tells Anonyma that Andropov has been transferred to who know where. The others leave Gerd and Anonyma alone. There is silence between the two people. Anonyma tells him to sit down. A little later Anonyma prepares food for Gerd. In the middle of the preparation she goes into her things and takes out her diaries and gives them to Gerd. She wants him to read them. It's disgusting just to look at you. She passes by the Mongolian soldier and Masha. She sees Andropov coming out of a building with a couple of men behind him. Take care of yourself. Off he goes accompanied by other men in the jeep and still more in a second jeep behind them. Anonyma wonders if he is being transferred to Siberia. At her apartment Gerd is deliberately making a mess of everything. Two days later he leaves. Anonyma wonders if she will see him again. She adds that maybe she will see him sometime. It was an affront to the honor of German women. Shocked by her contemporaries' disdain, the author banned any new edition for as long as she lived and even after her death, her name was not to be revealed. I had not known about this mass raping of German women by the Russian soldiers in Germany as the Russians took over in Germany. I can understand that the men would want revenge on the German people for the atrocities committed against the Russians by the Germans, but it still doesn't condone the raping of women. Apparently, the Russian soldiers raped most of the women and there certainly was no way of their knowing whether a woman was a Nazi or an opponent of German militarism. The German women were in a helpless position and had to endure what happened to them. The German women probably didn't want others to know what happened to them and that's why there was so much protest against the book Anonyma. My belief is that it is better to know the truth than accept a lie. The lovely Nina Hoss was very good as Anonyma and Samvel Muzhikyan was very good as the sympathetic Andropov. Patrick Louis Cooney, Ph.
DRESDEN UND BERLIN 1945 rare color
Anonyma tells him that his Russians will never forgive him for that. Žene su žrtve silovanja u razrušenoj kući. La sua chiusura ha coinciso con l'arrivo delle truppe dell'Armata Rossa ha preso la città, saccheggiata e violentata impunemente e donne indistintamente. A přitom mají Němci takové přísloví tuším od B. Anonyma caballeros her friend Elke. Patrick Louis Cooney, Ph. Anonyma goes to her room and closes the door. A ženy musejí být tak silné, že přežijí ponížení od obou stran. Andropov tells his men to take her out and liquidate her. Měří oběma stranám stejně, Rusové znásilňují in natura, o zločinech Němců v Rusku ale podávají hodně svědectví. SCÉNARISTE Max Färberböck, Lo Schuchmann et Anonyma. She sees Andropov coming out of a building with a couple of men behind him.

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It's shocking to think they would ban me days after I spent my money on Tinder Gold and I feel like I was being ripped off. By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies.
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When I reached out to customer support they informed me my account had been permanently and irreversibly banned. When I asked why my account had been banned they gave me a canned response. I suspected this to be a mistake and ask to spoke with a supervisor. They sent me another canned response that the decision was final and referred me to their community guidelines. Tinder has very poor customer service. Upon further research I discovered that some Tinder users like to prank other Tinder users by flagging their account. If enough people flag the account Tinder automatically closes the reported account. I have allowed Trustpilot to inform Tinder of my complaint. If Tinder responds I will post their response and keep this review updated. I recently woke up to an error code A40303. I immediately contacted Tinder customer support via email. The customer representative on the other end was so quick to judge me on breaking the TOS even though I've done nothing wrong. There are plenty of stories on the internet where Tinder has banned people for no reason. It's shocking to think they would ban me days after I spent my money on Tinder Gold and I feel like I was being ripped off. Do not use Tinder or contact their customer representatives. It is a waste of time! As previous people have said, married people are on Tinder. I found out my husband was on Tinder and was paying for a Tinder Gold membership and when I went to call the company, after he told me he had talked to them, I learned they have no phone number or chat service to contact them in any way. There is literally no way to correct any issue with them for anyone. That is horrible customer service. They just sit back and collect money from people and don't care what the outcome is. When I installed the latest update of the app around 26th of August, I got auto logged out. When I tried to log in again, my account was blocked error message 40303. I contacted Tinder twice to highlight this as a software issue. As reply I received the same generic mail twice, telling me that my account was deleted which I told them myself and that they cannot tell me details. I assume it is just bots in the customer service scanning you complaint for keywords instead of looking into the problem and helping you. I strongly advise you to stay away from Tinder. There are many other apps. Paid for membership for one month. Then I was unable to see screen when I logged on resulting in having to delete app. Then each time I looked off I had same issue. After three tries I deleted and reinstalled then deleted. I emailed several times. Had a couple of emails back requesting for various information including gma code. I have sent all the information to them they had requested which was not easy to obtain 5 days ago in order to get reimbursed. I to date have not received refund for paid membership. I have sent another tonight and wait with anticipation. For more information about reviews on ConsumerAffairs. I sent a message 3 days ago and still no reply. I've had issues before with Tinder and had to deal with an incompetent guy who just stated the obvious options when of course I had already tried them all and beyond before resorting to contacting you. You need to get a better system: call or live chat. I am paying good money for an app that has no customer service whatsoever. I was in Cabo for 11 days trying to meet people to hang out with. No matter what distance I plugged up to 161km! How is that even possible. I even got Tinder Gold hoping that it might help. Of course they did not reply to my requests for support. After not being on the app for a few days I went to login and couldn't, I emailed support which was no help other than they let me know I was banned. I have been on with the same pictures and same profile bio for months, why am I banned. They wouldn't respond, just said that I didn't follow their terms. After reviewing the terms there is nothing I did wrong and they wouldn't respond. I mean don't they have protocols for banning people?? There are perverted men on this site, married men, etc... And these accounts are alive and active... Mine banned for NO reason. Original review: July 25, 2018 I was only on Tinder for a couple of weeks and only matched with 3 people. I sent a few messages. Then, one day, I couldn't log on. I was trapped in the log in loop. Then I got error 86501??? I reported my problem again and again and finally they said the -1 error code meant I was banned!! I did not harass anyone. I told one person I didn't want to communicate because he was a big supporter of Trump. Are we living in a free country, or not? The other guy I liked and he liked me and now I cannot contact him. Tinder should not be allowed to operate. Original review: July 21, 2018 After using the app for about 10 days as a gold member, I was permanently banned. The guidelines, obviously, has nothing against confetti cannons, or even real weapons for that sake. Yet my polite and concise appeals are just met with canned responses implicating I am somehow a threat to the safety of their other users, or in best case, ignored. All my matches and contacts are thus irrevocably lost. A quick google search or as long as you'd like will reveal that Tinder has also unjustly banned thousands of other users, and that's only counting those who'd bothered to complain about it. I find this a vehemently repulsive way of treating compliant and supportive customers, who are, after all, also human beings. Original review: June 30, 2018 Tinder removed my account with the error code claiming my account went against their terms of service or community guidelines. I had yet to match with anyone and the pictures on my profile was one of my face and one of the Pansexual pride flag. There was absolutely nothing in my description that was inappropriate. I simply talked about some TV shows I like. The usual things you'd expect on a Tinder profile. As far as I can tell from reading the Terms and Guidelines I did nothing wrong and they've yet to give me a reason why my account was removed despite me sending an email with a screenshot of the error code. Original review: June 28, 2018 I really wish they would actually care about their clients especially the paying ones. I have had Tinder gold a few times and I am getting ripped off because they have not ever figured out how to let us pick the age range required. Because of this, I am constantly getting matches that are much younger and it is a waste of my time. Especially when I go out of my way to pay for boosts. I am 66 and I want to choose the age range. Bumble has it down and you basically slide the moving scale to where you want it. Yours does not let me. Original review: June 11, 2018 Tinder, deleted my golder membership account. I did buy Tinder membership. But you --- TINDER suddenly and without any reason CLOSED my account. I cannot enter my account. I used my phone number in order to open TINDER account, and I did used my Google account for payment. Please specifically say me, which part of my words, you cannot able to comprehend??? Original review: June 5, 2018 I have been on this site only for a couple of months. My two first experiences were very pleasant. We only had dinner. My last experience was a disaster which I never had the opportunity to meet the man who turned out to be a scammer. He lied about where he lives and it turned out that he lives out of the country. Very handsome man and loving but a scammer. Original review: May 14, 2018 This site is dangerous. Be aware of woman who ask for your phone number after a few conversations. They are looking to scam. Nothing wrong with that but she misrepresented who she was. Furthermore, she was a hooker. Original review: May 3, 2018 As somebody that never writes reviews this year fact I am writing this is an indication of this year for stretching disappointment and quite frankly and yeah I feel at this app period. It is the worst app I have ever used. Not the worst dating site the worst app. First of all let me show you I have tried it on multiple devices of different makes and different internet connections to eliminate that as an issue and the same problems arose on the three different devices from a Sony phone to an Apple iPad and Samsung tablet. The only thing that's appeared to work correctly was installation of the application. After that creating an account either using Facebook or creating it manually was ridiculously frustrating. I got repeated errors with email verification. At some point I managed to actually log on but then would get repeated errors when I trying to find people near me again. Please try again later. The app itself is difficult to use when it is working. It doesn't explain things well. Everything needed or worth having costs extra money. I felt I was just guessing on how the whole thing works. I don't feel like I know how my profile is being presented. I want to find people I have liked. I am sure there is a way but it is confusing. Send with guidance and just fails extremely basic and designs to keep you spending at every level. The worst thing of all is how unreliable it is. If you do eventually managed to talk to somebody they will lose interest because you won't be able to Long Arm again a few hours later to talk to them you won't know why or what the problem is. It just saying that it's not worth more than it does. I have never had such an awful painful frustrating experience with anything running code before. I beg you go somewhere else. Don't even look at it. Advise everyone to go somewhere else. I guess it's a business and designed to make money but at least you should get some kind of service for you on it. This is just rubbish rubbish rubbish x infinity. Original review: April 11, 2018 Tinder from South Africa suddenly becomes Be2. In the absence of an industry standard such as the right to UNSUBSCRIBE, made mandatory a few years ago, these guys provide NO way of clicking the AUTO renew button off. That means, when the end of your subscription arrives they will deduct the same amount which magically changes from R77 for six months, to R77 a WEEK! Original review: April 6, 2018 Hey guys, I was using Tinder for a couple of months until one day I got banned from the app for no reasons whatsoever. No warning, no support, no interest in keeping you as a customer - just ban, that's it. Needless to say - no refund for unused subscription... You lose your money for reasons you don't know. After reading other people's reviews I understand that anyone can get banned without explanations... Sadly Tinder was the worst internet community experience I have had in my almost 40 years of life... Original review: March 5, 2018 I've had this app for over 2 years now. I've never had a problem with it. I've never posted anything offensive or nudes or anything of that sort. I've seen many other profiles with content way more offensive than mine so I give this app a 1. I didn't use it much and neglected to cancel the subscription. They said that since it wasn't within 14 days, they refused to refund this charge. Although they knew I had not used the service for more than 6 months and would not use it for the subsequent 6 months for which my account was charged, this company has refused to refund any portion of the charge. It's not a game, and I feel I got taken as an idiot looking for love with someone of same likes, but DIFFERENTLY within a physical location that makes meeting frequently a must. They sign you up and as no one reads the pages and pages of terms and conditions then bam they delete your account. Please please boycott this rip off company because they will steal your money. The text gets deleted while in the middle of a discussion. Just a fair warning to transgender ladies who decide to use this app, if you get matched with a few guys on there, just be warned that you will be unmatched by some guys or get cut off while in the middle of a text discussion because they are here to fool you. I've been online dating for four years and all of the sites I tried never have worked for me and it is really hard for me as a trans lady without surgery to find that special someone. Sadly they did, but I did report them to the BBB, the FBI and the police. I don't understand how Tinder is still in business if they don't have a true way for customers to contact them and how is that legal!? So not only am I out of money but have to make sure I won't be hacked and my information is secure! On top of that, they have three different locations for their 'corporate office'! So in other words they don't want to be held accountable! I'm getting messages, but they are from Scammers who are always on these sites, who do NOT live near me. I called one out, who got nasty when I questioned her on why her photo shows up on Google image search 200 times! Original review: April 13, 2017 Tinder bans people for no reason, am I the only one? I'm aware that I am not the only person. I see that they are banning people for being racist, but what is their company doing to make customers feel like they are not being discriminated against? For over 2 months, Tinder has had my account under review for no reason. When I sent them emails, explaining everything they never responded. After 3 days, they blocked my account. I sent an email to them and a guy name Carl emailed me back saying that I was banned from the dating site. However, they gave me no reason. Had heard mixed reviews about it and I clearly see why. For one, I've practically given up on dating or meeting anyone for a lasting relationship. For one, I hear a lot of women complaining that most of the guys on there are scumbags just looking to get laid or use somebody. However, what these women are NOT being honest about is that most of the women ARE THE SAME EXACT WAY, except they claim to have justifiable reasons for acting in the same manner of motives that the guys they bad mouth are acting. Secondly I'm a guy , I must say that while there are douchebags on Tinder, as well as EVERY DATING SITE, and that there are douchebags in BOTH genders, it does make it next to impossible for well-meaning people to actually find a well-meaning person. I'm 35 and have my own money and all that, so I have no reason to mooch off anybody, and I also prefer to meet and have a LASTING relationship that is based on personality and common interests instead of money and sex. I've swiped through quite a few profiles already, and I DO READ PROFILES instead of just swipe-like. From what I've seen, NO WONDER certain people can't find anybody! Look at the stuck-up trash they post on their profile description! It is all just deceptive marketing. Marketing can make dog crap look like peach cobbler and sell it. The people who run these sites are only interested in only your wallets and bank accounts, and they couldn't care any less about you as a person. Tinder and other social sites are a good thing when they are used responsibly, like staying in contact with friends and family. Sex and pillow talk are for just a few hours. An actual relationship that is grounded in the right basis will last a lifetime if it is with the right person. Wide variety of people helped me to narrow selection to people I felt I was more compatible with. Went on a number of good dates and a few went further. After entering my information most of the people had similar interests and I found them to be pretty compatible with me. I enjoyed meeting the people it selected for me. A lot of setting helped me determine what information I wanted to provide publicly. The mobile app was simple and easy to use. I enjoyed being able to access it anywhere and have a similar user experience to what I had on my laptop. A lot of the dudes are scummy but there are a few who were pretty high quality but that's just the way of the world. It is not indicative of the app. It seemed fine enough to me. I had no problems with that aspect of it but I wouldn't be surprised if other people did. It is exactly what you need a mobile app to be. Nothing more and nothing less. Sheer mediocrity of a mobile app so it was just fine and dandy to me. Tinder is a mobile dating app that can be downloaded and used for free. It is currently the largest and most popular dating app online with over 50 million downloads. It is best known for its extremely popular swiping feature. This helps prevent fraud and makes it easy to quickly import information and photos over to Tinder so you can begin searching immediately. If you do not like the profile you are looking at, swipe left and you will not see them again. If you are interested, swipe right. If you accidentally swipe in the wrong direction, you can now pay to unswipe a match. Harvard Business School graduate, Mark Brooks, has been an expert in the Internet dating business since 1998. He is currently the CEO of Courtland Brooks, a consultancy agency for the Internet dating industry, and runs OnlinePersonalsWatch. He prides himself on being a New Media Futurist and can be reached at LinkedIn. At ConsumerAffairs we love to hear from both consumers and brands; please never hesitate to. We take privacy seriously, please refer to our to learn more about how we keep you protected. Advertisements on this site are placed and controlled by outside advertising networks. See the for more information. The information on our website is general in nature and is not intended as a substitute for competent legal advice.
Why Is Tinder So Frustrating? - A Dive Into The Mathematics Of Tinder
Update, 2018-09-27: The above seemed to make sense and was apparently confirmed from smaller tests I did, but in the course ofI found out I had it all wrong. It never used to be that way. Looked back solidly, got the grin, then asked her if tinder gold useless met the wifi code. Read more about and. I have reached the end of the deck again, only after two weeks of moderate use. Your site has been of great help. How can i now keep on tinder without having to pay to sign up con tinder plus. And if that's not enough for you, you get to click onto an entire grid filled with profiles of people who liked you. However, I do seem to get some success, but with an oddly familiar pattern. On android, the procedure in the article still elements flawlessly for me. Notify me of new posts by email. Pool was closed, so head to the local coffee shop.